News Archives

These are the news archives. It seems kinda obvious, but a lot of the links on this page are broken because the website they point to no longer exists. Some information here is painfully out of date as well, but that's what makes it entertaining.

Spazzo - Friday, 15th May, 2009

Wow, another update within two days...

I'd just like to make an announcement that the address used for contacting STJr. has been changed.

If you wish to contact us at Sonic Team Jr., please send e-mails to our new address, [email protected]

More information can be found on the contact page.

Spazzo - Wednesday, 13th May, 2009


Made a few minor updates to the site, and removed some of the outdated/unused material. I'm really surprised at how well this site is holding up, given how old it's starting to get...

SSNTails - Thursday, 23rd April, 2009

The Sky Sanctuary team has also been making some fantastic progress, allowing us to include things in the next version that I could never imagine making it. To release in May I think would be cutting all of their work too short.

So... we've decided on a new target - SAGE!

This will give us time to fix more bugs, perfect the multiplayer system, and give some extra polish to the Single Player mission. I know you have to wait a little bit more, but I'm sure it will be worth it.

SAGE begins on July 25th, 2009. You can check out the website here.

But don't think we won't keep you entertained in the mean time. Look for new YouTube videos in May and beyond.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 26th November, 2008

Hey guys! New release May 2009. New zones and more! You can find a preview video here. Stay tuned!

SSNTails - Tuesday, 29th April, 2008

The 10th Anniversary Blog has now become a regular development blog.

Check it out on the sidebar. =)

SSNTails - Saturday, 5th April, 2008

Despite the delays, the 10th anniversary blog is now online!

And it's not an April Fool now, either. =)


SSNTails - Tuesday, 1st January, 2008

Happy new year!

With that said, SRB2's 10th anniversary is only two months away. Sit tight, we're planning a few specials things to commemorate!

SSNTails - Sunday, 24th June, 2007

This has been a problem for quite some time, and I think it's about time I clarify:


SSNTails - Tuesday, 31st October, 2006

Added a scan of SRB2 featured in PC Zone Magazine's September issue!

SSNTails - Saturday, 19th August, 2006

Version 1.09.4 is now available! It contains a lot of new things. We hope you enjoy it!

Mystic - Sunday, 12th March, 2006

Website redesign. Nothing major, but the HTML is mostly fixed. Also, updated our four year old site with some more recent material.

SSNTails - Saturday, 7th January, 2006

Sonic Robo Blast 2 v1.09.2 is now available!

Go to the downloads page. Lots of bug fixes from 1.09.

A special thanks to all of those that beta tested on the messageboard.

SSNTails - Sunday, 11th September, 2005

Sonic Robo Blast 2 v1.09 is now available. Enjoy!

Also check out the "official unofficial" SRB2 Mod by team member Mystic, The Mystic Realm!

SSNTails - Tuesday, 15th December, 2004

Merry Christmas!

No, it's not 1.09, but I fixed and added stuff to the HISTORY page. I hope you like it!

SSNTails - Tuesday, 23rd March, 2004

I suppose it's only fair that I give you guys an update as to what's going on.

I've been very preoccupied with life in general this year, and haven't touched SRB2 too much. Fortunately, a441 and Mystic have been making progress, with my input.

Yeah, you heard me, final. Hopefully as many zones as we can get done. Will it happen? I hope so!

SSNTails - Thursday, 1st January, 2004

It's a new year, so it only makes sense to have a new SRB2.

v1.08 is now available. It's not everything I wanted 1.1 to be - this is mostly just to eliminate all the 'patch' confusion, stabilize multiplayer, and provide mappers with more things to work with.

SSNTails - Sunday, 30th November, 2003

I added all kinds of fun stuff to the history page to keep you busy.

SSNTails - Sunday, 16th November, 2003


Well, actually the board is.

SSNTails - Sunday, 26th October, 2003

Addons fixed, forum still brokey. Will be fixed soon.

SSNTails - Sunday, 21st September, 2003

I haven't posted any news in awhile, so I thought I'd just post this little blurb.

v1.1 will allow you to customize TONS of stuff... this should allow for some very interesting large mods. A fellow is working on one right now and it looks really cool so far.

Capture the Flag has been improved, as well as small tweaks to other game modes. There's been high demand for a "Time Attacked" game mode -- we'll see.

And now for something totally different!

SSNTails - Thursday, 19th June, 2003

Yep, it's finally out. Go nuts. If you have not liked SRB2 in the past, I suggest you try it this time.

The addons section should be updated in a day or so with plenty of new content!

I had one heck of a time getting it uploaded. No, I still don't have broadband. This is why I wanted to wait. But since I'm cursed to never get broadband, my desire to be done with this project was greater.

This also marks my advance notice of resignation from STJr. I'll probably hang around for a Final Demo v1.1 which will include a small gloss here and there and suggestions from users, but other than that, seeya! Five and a half years is far too long.

SSNTails - Thursday, 15th May, 2003

I swear that we're making Daikatana look like a rush job...

SSNTails - Friday, 2nd May, 2003

Final Demo will be out when I get some kind of broadband. That is all. If you live in Central Pennsylvania, sign up for Wireless Internet. The sooner they get more customers, the sooner they'll let me tap into it. Cable? DSL? Can't get any of those in hick country.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 19th March, 2003

Thanks to everyone who participated in the public beta test at SAGE. You guys helped us fix a lot of nasty bugs. Next demo? There's a few secrets I'd like to wrap up, but other than that and a few tweaks, I'd call it done.

Oh yeah, we got a new message board...check it out! (May not always be available towards the end of the month).

SSNTails - Monday, 27th January, 2003

I'm looking for someone with a T1/T3 or some other form of non-shared broadband (NOT DSL or Cable), and can open a specific port to host SRB2 network games at this March's SAGE. Contact me.

If you're at a University and aren't firewalled, this means you.

SSNTails - Saturday, 11th January, 2003

Thanks to the new EXTREME PROGRAMMING program initiated by our Evil Pointy-Haired Earless Boss, There are no longer any known bugs with SRB2! This is a big step towards a release. But, of course, a game is nothing without good levels. That's next.

SSNTails - Tuesday, 31st December, 2002

xmas.png (60968 bytes)

Happy New Year, everybody!

Well, it's official. The demo didn't make it. It's almost done, I just need to tidy up some of the levels and light a fire under MistaED.

Been doing some testing of the network play lately, and it's working quite well. The new stuff is very addicting. =)

Release date? Umm..err....*hides*

SSNTails - Monday, 16th December, 2002

Ever wanted to make your own SRB2 T-Shirt to show off to your friends, but needed a good size graphic? Use this one!

Progress Update: The single player mode is complete for the demo. It just needs a few more secrets to keep you going. Netplay still has a little further to go -- Mystic's new "Chaos" multiplayer mode started out as something simple, and now he wants to add all sorts of stuff to it. ;)

Will the demo make it out before the end of the year? That remains to be seen...

Looking for more dirt-old SRB2 stuff? Head on over to my Animation Page, where you can find two videos done in Summer '98! (They're at the bottom.)

SSNTails - Thursday, 28th November, 2002

Happy Thanksgiving all you US people! As a little gift, I found an even *older* SRB2 movie. Go ahead, LAUGH. (Requires Divx 4.02 or better)

SSNTails - Monday, 11th November, 2002

Using an awesome little utility called PNGCRUSH, I made the site even smaller by 30kb. The total site size is now at 459kb (excluding the SRB2 download). At this rate, we could move to a free 1mb Geocities account! *shudder*

Do I have better things to do with my time? Probably. I've been working on SRB2 here and there, but I just don't feel motivated. I'm sure things will get back to normal soon.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 6th November, 2002

Well, well, well! While going through some old CDs of mine, I came across a promo video of SRB2 used at the first SAGE (September 2000).

Grab it HERE

I also converted all the graphics on the website to PNG, making the site a total of ~30kb smaller.

SSNTails - Friday, 27th September, 2002

Just trimmed 48Kb off of the website, making it even more load-friendly for modem users.

Progress is zipping along for the next demo, still not sure when it will be available yet. I'll leave you with this screenshot to tease you.

fd.png (50109 bytes)

SSNTails - Friday, 12th July, 2002

Resident multiplayer and special stage maker guy Mystic has created an Addons page for SRB2. There you can get extra levels, characters, and all that good stuff.

SSNTails - Tuesday, 2nd July, 2002

Alright, that's it. I've put up with it long enough. Please go HERE and scan for e-mail worms on your computer. I get flooded with these things every day. Some have text taken out of the SRB2 Readme file, so I know it's gotta be some of you guys.

I've added a contact page, and legal info.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 21st June, 2002

Sorry about the downtime yesterday - there was a server move taking place. All is well now!

Progress on SRB2 is coming along well, at least on the programming side. A lot of work is being done in the code to enhance custom characters and add new features for levels.

Still accepting texture artist applications.....

SSNTails - Wednesday, 5th June, 2002 (I hate the European dating format...)

What, an update? Get away! YOU SMELL LIKE FEET!

Ermm.. anyways, STJr is in *dire* need of a 2d texture artist. To apply, just click that little link on the left menu to e-mail me. Include a sample of your work. We're shooting for Sonic 1/2/CD type stuff. Go nuts. Guidelines/etc will be explained to the 'chosen', as I don't want to bother throwing up a 'terms of employment' page of sorts. (It's late.)

SSNTails - Friday, 3rd May, 2002

Posted the beginnings of a new section - Editing! Only the character information is complete so far.

SSNTails - Tuesday, 30th April, 2002

To end the mass confusion, I've decided to pack v4.35 up so you don't have to worry about the confusing patching instructions.

SSNTails - Saturday, 13th April, 2002

What, you guys can't take a belated April Fools?! ;)

SSNTails - Thursday, 4th April, 2002

It's with a heavy heart that we see our founder and president, Sonikku, leave us. But don't be all sad! A new person has filled the void! Please welcome SSNWadmanKiddo!

SSNTails - Wednesday, 20th March, 2002

It's been awhile since a new patch for 4.32 has been released, so I've done so on the 4.32 Bug Report page. It's a godsend for those of you that play netgames, since in-game joining SHOULD be fixed now (let me know if it isn't, heh).

SSNTails - Friday, 8th March, 2002

SAGE is here, and we have a bit of a treat!

The winner of the website redesign contest is SONIC LIGHTSPEED! Congratulations! You'll find a load of old maps in your mailbox. =) The other contestants will get something as well for their hard work.

Because we've just ported SRB2 to the new Doom Legacy v1.32 , we need help testing for bugs and stuff that was missed. Visit the downloads section for a patch to upgrade from Demo 4.1 to 4.32!

Just a short list of the many things new:

*** Before reporting a bug found, please see the 4.32 Bug Report page! ***

SSNTails - Sunday, 13th January, 2002

What could have been.....

Back in June 2001, we were notified that Sonic Robo Blast 2 was to be featured in GameGo! Magazine's issue #3. Unfortunately it never got past issue #1, but I was able to get ahold of a PDF of issue #2 in its entirety, and they have a little blurb on SRB2 near the back.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 9th January, 2002

Announcing the "Redesign the STJr Website" contest!

The winner shall receive:

Deadline is SAGE time (~March 9th, 2002), so get crackin'! Submit all entries to SSNTails.

SSNTails - Sunday, 6th January, 2002

Demo 4.1 and a patch to convert 4.0 to 4.1 have been posted. Contains the following fixes:

Sorry, I've decided to save the easier special stages for another time. Be patient. ;)

Thanks to an SRB2 fan, 'DOHlberg', he's created a temporary Knuckles sprite for us to use. Enjoy.

You can access both Christmas and New Year's Mario gameplay modes by using the parameters -xmas and -mario, respectively.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 26th December, 2001

People have been complaining about excessive lag and multiplayer not working - to fix both of these problems, just disable the snow. For those of you having crashes - try using the "-mb 16" parameter. You MUST turn off snow though, or it will just generate more problems.

SSNTails - Tuesday, 25th December, 2001

Yeah, the new demo is out...and stuff. *falls asleep*

Mystic - Sunday, 9th December, 2001

Better layout. W00t!

SSNTails - Saturday, 9th December, 2001

As those Y2k'ers once said, "The time is near!"

SSNTails - Saturday, 10th November, 2001

Added a link to the chat.

SSNTails - Wednesday, 7th November, 2001

Added a link to our message board.

SSNTails - Friday, 2nd November, 2001

I had entrusted updates of the website to Mr. Wallbank, but he's currently too busy with his..ha...ha..hahahahahahaa *rolls on the floor laughing*... nevermind..heh.. he'd kill me if I told you. ;)

Ahem.. yes.. well, I've had a little history page finished for quite some time now, and you can check it out using the tiny menu at the top. It's a good read, but also won't take up your entire afternoon to finish (less than 5 minutes).

Coupled with our current lack of enthusiasm, there's a lot of little tidbits here and there I'd like to see in Demo 4, so I've decided to hold off until I'm done with those. I'd like to see Demo 4 make as big an impact as Demo 2 did. You might see Demo 4 this year, or you might not. Just depends on how quick I get over my big university projects and find a spark of incentive to work on the project once again.

SSNTails - Saturday, 8th September, 2001

Well, the 3rd SAGE is finally here. Too bad we aren't ready. Due to late submissions from some contributors, Demo 4 may not appear at all this week.

But that doesn't mean we don't have a few new things for the website. Sit tight.

SSNTails - Monday, 23rd July, 2001

Because of people telling us about bugs they've found in Demo 3, we were able to fix over TEN found! Keep it up!

With most of the bug-fixing out of the way, work on Capture the Flag mode has started, and is going pretty well. I hope to have Special Stages and the Diving mode working also in time for Demo 4.

I'd also like to remind everyone that level submissions are still being accepted. Want a chance to see your map in the final SRB2? Send it in! (see 05-12-2001's news for more information).

SSNTails - Saturday, 23rd June, 2001

Tis here! Tis here! Because it's the 10th anniversary of Sonic 1's release, the Boss-Man Sonikku wanted me to post up a new demo. Go have fun.

SSNTails - Monday, 11th June, 2001

Okay, it's been quite a while, and we're gearing up for another release within the next two weeks. Stay tuned!

SSNTails - Saturday, 12th May, 2001

With my new full-time summer job, I haven't been able to work on SRB2 as much as I'd like. I have made a lot of progress though. Just that the demo update will probably come in late May instead of early like I said in my last post (that was before I found out I had the job).

Nonetheless, we need multiplayer levels for SRB2 in the Tag and Match modes. It's simple to submit a level design. Just draw "blueprints" of it in a graphics program (such as MSPaint), save it as a PCX file, and e-mail it to me. If I like your idea, you'll see the level in the demo update! Make sure you give me your full name so I can award proper credits.

SSNTails - Monday, 23rd April, 2001

ETA for the demo update is early May. Here's just a few of the things you'll find:

Stuff that isn't done yet but you should see in the update:

SSNTails - Tuesday, 3rd April, 2001

A new character is available to download: Megaman! I didn't have any sprites for him, so I had to make do with what I could find...

As for the demo2 patch, I keep wanting to add more and more features, so this may take a little longer than expected. If you're willing to try a beta patch, come to the net parties on Tuesday nights from 5:30pm-8:45pm EST in #srb2 at

SSNTails - Sunday, 25th March, 2001

Sorry about the delay on the multiplayer patch, but I've decided to fix some bugs and add some new features as well. =)

SSNTails - Sunday, 18th March, 2001

A new mutliplayer mode has been created, and matches will be held from 5:15pm-8:45pm EST on Tuesdays. Stay tuned for more information and how to get the soon-to-be-released patch.

SSNTails - Friday, 9th March, 2001

Today marks the grand opening of the site, which also commemorates SRB2's *third* birthday! Check it out and have fun!

"Sonic The Hedgehog", and related characters, are the intellectual property and copyright of SEGA Enterprises.
All rights reserved. Sonic Team Jr. is in no way related to SEGA Enterprises.
"Sonic The Hedgehog" characters and indica are used without permission.
The contents of this website are otherwise � Copyright Sonic Team Jr. 1998-2006.