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The Big Server Hoo-Hah

Cue - September 18, 2010

Saturday the 11th of September, 2010, our server’s hard drive suffered from multiple errors, prompting us to have it replaced. During this time, we also made the decision to switch from our Debian and DirectAdmin backend, to the much more powerful CentOS and cPanel/WHM backend. After having a new drive installed, we immediately began to try grabbing our data off the old drive, only to find it was completely dead. Fortunately, Logan had made backups of our most important data, that being every MySQL Database on the server, as well as the files for the Wiki, SVN, Message Board and Main Site. Unfortunately, this has meant the loss of quite a few files, including the IRC Bot Crawla, which took a great deal of time to code, due to complex Regular Expressions and other conditionals, as well as every site other than the aforementioned three.

This held us back by quite a bit, and it is only now that we have finally finished rebuilding and configuring the setup. Mystic insisted I get the site up as soon as possible, so I have done that, the Message Board and Wiki will follow soon, there are various settings that need to be changed to make them work perfectly on the new server, due to changes in the file structure (i.e. my username has been changed, so now vBulletin is going to be looking in the wrong path).
We apologise for the downtime, hopefully this will be the last substantial piece of downtime in a long, long time. Don’t worry, this hasn’t held back future releases of SRB2, our private development is done off our own server, so it was not affected by this week’s maintenance and data loss.

The game servers, unfortunately, were not backed up, we will be speaking with sb, the maintainer of the Team Fortress 2 server, and we will hopefully have that back soon. In the meantime, please feel free to visit the IRC Chatroom.

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Q & A

Spazzo - June 11, 2010

Hey, guys, you all enjoying v2.0.6? Glad to hear it!

Anyways, since the tension and pressure has finally been relieved behind-the-scenes, I thought I’d take a quick moment to address a few questions.

Q: Whoa, OpenGL is enabled? Why’d you guys do this?

A: In the past, we have had seperate “opengl-enabled” EXEs released using a different compiler. Not only did this take away any reason for us barring its use officially, but it created stability issues when you tried to play the game on an EXE without OGL. It was decided that — for the sake of simplicity, ease of use, and to please our users — that we should just enable its use to the public.

Q: Does this mean you guys are actively working on fixing OpenGL?

A: Yes and no. Our priority at this moment is not to concentrate all of our development resources on perfecting our second renderer. With that said, if solutions to existing  issues with OpenGL are brought to us, we have no reservations integrating them — just don’t expect feature implementations anytime soon.


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SRB2 v2.0.6 is now available!

Spazzo - May 31, 2010

SRB2 v2.0.6 is now available! This should hopefully fix most of the problems in v2.0.5.

Due to the nature of this release, there will be no patch for this release. For those who wish to retain their gamedata/configuration, we advise making a backup of gamedata.dat and config.cfg before installation.

Download v2.0.6 here! As with last time, click “more” for a more detailed list of changes.

UPDATE: Non-torrent download now available!


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A few messages about release

Spazzo - May 15, 2010

Given how close in proximity we are to a release, I think it’s time that I go over a few of the more major (if also controversial) changes that lay ahead. As I see it, it’s only fair that you guys get some foresight to what’s about to go down in the next little while.

As Bill Nye once said, please “Consider the Following” for v2.0.5’s release:

  • As a result of the MS Reform, we can no longer provide legacy support for older SRB2 versions on the Master Server. In other words, upon launch, no official/unofficial version of SRB2 prior to v2.0.5 will be compatible with the MS. Attempting to connect to the MS with these versions will result in the game locking up. This includes v2.0.4 (and all of its respective EXE mods), 1.09.X, SRB2JTE, and any other version you can think of. There’s nothing we can do to retain compatibility with the new MS, so you’re just going to have to play over IP.
  • The Master Server banlist will be purged at launch. Since we are rewriting the MS rules, it makes sense to clean the slate of those stuck beneath our old rules.
  • The old “reporting” system has been redone from scratch to suit the needs of the new Master Server, and has been completely integrated with our message board software.
    • I’d also like to take this moment to discourage those who go around and join netgames for the sole purpose of finding a server to file a complaint about. We are redesigning the MS rules with this goal in mind, and hope that the complaint box will be used only when absolutely necessary.
  • Due to the changes to the IWAD and the in-game physics, all time attack records and demos will be invalid.
  • Oogaland’s SRB2 Launcher (not to be confused with the launcher on the download page) will not be compatible with v2.0.5, and will cease to function after its release.

More info on what’s changing (including the full 204-to-205 changelog) to come at launch. See you then!

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A dev trinket here, a dev trinket there…

Spazzo - May 13, 2010

Because you’ve all been really nice and patient with us regarding v2.0.5 (trust me, we’re almost ready!), here’s a little something that we’d like to share with you in return. Fellow STJr. programmer and Wiki maintainer Inuyasha has been posting a few v2.0.5 clips of his own to his personal YouTube, highlighting some new minor additions and ‘interesting’ achievements he’s accomplished in the game. See for yourself:


In unrelated news, the MS Reform testing that occurred on May 9th went on without a hitch, and everything was confirmed to be in good working order. With some luck, the transition to v2.0.5 should be the most stable and flawless transition yet.

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Master Server Downtime

Spazzo - May 5, 2010

The Master Server will be offline for 24 hours for maintenance and testing on Sunday, May 9th, 2010. We are running some tests of the new MS reform functionality (as seen here) which are incompatible with v2.0.4.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience this causes, and we will do our best to restore MS connectivity as soon as possible. Thanks for understanding.

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What’s in a stage?

Spazzo - May 3, 2010

Going from a concept to a physical and enjoyable stage isn’t always easy.

The difference between the concept and the stage itself can range from trivial (where the level was sketched out and replicated in a WAD editor nearly line-for-line) to grossly different (the level sketch was used as the concept’s foundation while the level itself was considerably altered), depending on the mapmaker. In either case, concept sketches are as beneficial to the design process as they are interesting to look back on and see where it all came from.

Continue reading after the jump to see some concept sketches of some of SRB2’s multiplayer stages. These sketches range from six months to over eight years old.


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We’re now on Twitter!

Spazzo - April 29, 2010

First YouTube, now Twitter….man, we’re really embracing Web 2.0!

Any future blog posts, version releases, video releases, and other press-related events will be tweeted, so you won’t ever be behind on the latest news with SRB2 ever again.

Follow us here:

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Online play in v2.0.4, for dummies!

Spazzo -

“A reference for the rest of us!”

For those who don’t already know, I’d like to take this time to quickly address the most frequently asked question, and I quote:


Well, the answer, plain and simple, is because the master server address changed a while ago (after v2.0.4 launched), and SRB2’s config file was pointing towards the now-defunct address. Don’t worry, this has all been rectified for v2.0.5, so you won’t have to ever do this again.

For those who don’t already know, here’s how to fix it: Once you start up SRB2, go to Options >> Server Options, and change the Master Server address to “”, without quotation marks. This will solve all of your online issues.

If you guys have any other problems, don’t

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Upcoming downtime v2

LoganA - April 21, 2010

The datacenter where is hosted at will be doing some network maintenance on the April 27, between the hours of 1 AM to 2 AM CST.

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