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OLDC Summer 2020 Released

SeventhSentinel - September 8, 2020

Hello everybody! The Official Level Design Contest for summer 2020 is now open for voting. Download the levels and find details about the voting process in its release & discussion thread.

Voting closes on September 23, 2020 at 7pm Eastern Standard Time. Be sure to get your votes in before then! See you in cyberspace…

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Beta Testing Now Open

SeventhSentinel - September 1, 2020

Hello everybody! I’m pleased to announce that we have opened beta testing for future versions of SRB2. If you would like to help us find bugs and other problems, head on over to our Discord server and check out the new #public-testing channel. There you will find the newest release candidates of the game. We just finished uploading the first pre-release for v2.2.7 there, so come join the fun!

Stable builds will still be linked here on, and will remain available for new users to download the latest stable version of the game. Both stable and pre-release versions should be able to connect to the Master Server.

Regardless of whether or not you decide to join us for testing, thanks for playing!

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OLDC Deadline Extension

SeventhSentinel - August 31, 2020

Hello everybody! Since the message board is acting up, we’re giving everyone an extra 24 hours to submit their OLDC entries. The new deadline is September 1st at 23:59 UTC. Hopefully the MB decides to cooperate by then. Fingers crossed.

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New Message Board Rules

SeventhSentinel - August 8, 2020

We have overhauled our message board rules. Please read them over!

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The OLDC Returns

SeventhSentinel - July 19, 2020

Hi everyone! I was going to sit down and write a nice, long post about the return of the Official Level Design Contest, but I meant to do this days ago, so instead I’ll let you read the announcement about it on the message board.

Basically, if you want the chance to earn a shiny gold username on the MB, submit a brand new map by August 31st! Good luck and have fun!

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SRB2 Version 2.2.6 Patch Release

SeventhSentinel - July 10, 2020

Things don’t always go as planned. Therefore, we’ve brought you another new patch, available on our Downloads page as usual. You will now be able to finish Black Core zone in unmodified single player! (Sorry we missed that.) We’ve also fixed some other small bugs and made some minor adjustments to Marathon Run.

You can read the full changelog here. Enjoy!

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SRB2 Version 2.2.5 Patch Release

SeventhSentinel -

Hi everyone! Go grab our latest update from the downloads page!

We’ve got some great new features for you, including:

  • Shadows now render on the ceiling in reverse gravity.
  • The game now saves as the level ends. If you exit a special stage and re-enter the game, you will be in the next level.
  • You can now play as any character in NiGHTS mode.
  • You can now use SOC and Lua to make custom skincolors.
  • OpenGL has received an overhaul, resulting in performance improvements and shader support. The game ships with some shaders, but if your machine can’t handle them, you can turn them off.
  • Updated music for the tracks originally sourced from Mystic Realm.
  • We added Marathon Mode. It’s for full game speedruns. Find it under the 1 Player menu. We also included options for Ultimate Mode and for creating a backup to come back to if the game crashes during a live event.
  • Knuckles no longer crouches for as long after landing from a glide, making him lose less momentum and feel a little less chunky. He can swim underwater, too, which controls differently from gliding. We gave him a little something extra, too…

Play the video to see these features in action!

See the full changelog here. Enjoy the update!

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Staffing Changes

SeventhSentinel - June 20, 2020

Hello, everyone. I have some important news to announce.

This is not an easy post for me to write. It has been a long, stressful month, and some major changes to Sonic Team Jr.’s staff have taken place as a result of recent events. It is only right that we make these changes transparently.

These changes occurred in the wake of banning and filing a police report for a user known as Sapheros or Purpsky confirmed to be grooming children with the objective of sexual abuse. To be clear, this user had nothing to do with Sonic Team Jr. or the development of SRB2 and the timing of these events are entirely coincidental. As always, we encourage you to let us know about such inappropriate behavior so we can help put a stop to it. The safety of users in this community is our top priority.

Under normal circumstances, we wouldn’t need to announce that Sapheros/Purpsky was banned, but the stress around filing the report for them directly led into stress inside the development team, as well as stress for the staff of our official Discord server, who discussed and pursued legal action against Sapheros/Purpsky over several sleepless nights.

Mystic is permanently banned from STJr and the SRB2 Discord server. This is due to unacceptable behavior including antagonizing a modder and baselessly accusing a fellow community member of using a private Discord server to hide other groomers.

Rob has been removed from STJr, and is banned from the SRB2 Discord server. This is due to mishandling of Mystic’s behavior, abuse of power, and making threats that, if acted upon, would have caused a major split of the SRB2 community.

Prime 2.0 has been removed from STJr. This is due to overstepping personal bounds and poor administrative conduct.

Again, the banning of Sapheros/Purpsky and the removal of these team members are completely separate events. They have no relevance to each other outside of the stress the situations both brought, and their timing.

Any other members that left did so on their own. Please refrain from harassing any of these people. We want this transition to be as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

So where does that leave us? Well, we still have a lot of logistics issues to take care of, but for the foreseeable future, I, SeventhSentinel, will be responsible for maintaining the message boards. SteelT, james, and wolfs will be responsible for managing the master server. We have also made changes to the administration/moderation team on both the message board and the Discord server. Please feel free to get in contact with us for any issues you may have regarding these changes.

Thank you for sticking with us through these tumultuous times, and as always, thank you for playing Sonic Robo Blast 2. We look forward to keeping this community going strong, and we’re more excited than ever to get back to work on the next major update for SRB2.

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SRB2 version 2.2.4 for Mac is now available

Rob Tisdell - May 11, 2020

You can get it from the Dropbox link on the Downloads page! Enjoy!

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SRB2 version 2.2.4 patch release

Rob Tisdell -

Hey all,
We found a critical bug where players couldn’t complete the tutorial using the simple camera mode, so we fixed that. Also, we solved some issues in ACZ where you could get stuck on paths with certain characters. Not much else noteworthy, but you can find the changelog here.

To use this patch, all you need to do is copy the contents of the zip file into your existing 2.2.1, 2.2.2, or 2.2.3 folder and allow Windows to overwrite any files it asks about. Again, we are no longer supporting 64 bit builds. If you have a 64 bit version of SRB2 set up, you absolutely must get a fresh install of 2.2.1 and patch 2.2.4 over the new 2.2.1 install. 2.2.4 will not work if you try to put it in a folder with a 64 bit build.

Linux users, binary packages should be properly updated where they normally are found on the Downloads page.

Mac users, I know I said yesterday that we’d have an update for you guys soon, and in fact, we do have a functional 2.2.3 build for Mac and I was gonna make that public tonight, but now we need to get 2.2.4 squared away for you guys. Sorry! We’ll have that ASAP.

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