Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J. Freda
Sunday 1st October 1999
History of SRB2
As we get closer and closer to the release of SRB2, with only a matter of a few months left, I thought it'd be a neat idea to go back through the long, drawn-out history of SRB2. If this bores you, get a pillow out during this short interval -
OK? Are we all back now? Here we go -
June 97 - Work on SRB1 starts.
February 98 - SRB1 completed.
March 98 - Work on SRB2 officially begins! Engine - enhanced SRB1 engine using 'The Games Factory'... 2D
April 98 - Engine scrapped and made about five thousand times better, with no player/enemy collision detection bugs and (much, much better) new code... still 2D. STJr site launched.
July 98 - TGF engines scrapped entirely for a C version... you guessed it, we're still in 2D. September 98 - Stealth goes AWOL for about a month, and the idea of the 3D engine is brought up by A.J. Freda, from his work on the "Sonic Doom" series.
October 98 - Engine changed to 3D. First few levels sketchily done. Yay!
Late 1999/Early 2000 - SRB2 released! =)
Sometime in 2001 - Apoclypse. World ends due to mass anvil showers.
Next time: Commercial break!