Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
2nd October 2000
What makes SRB2: Sprites.
Hi, A.J. here! Wow, I can't remember the last time I did one of these!
Sonikku wanted me to talk about the sprites, so here I go...
I've been doing Sonic's sprite for a little over a year now, and Tails since February. I'm not even TOUCHING Knuckles until I'm done with these two... luckily, not much is left for Sonic.
SRB2's sprites are done much like the "Earthworm Jim Method". Draw, scan in, color, and resample. This gives you a very nice-looking sprite at a low resolution. The best way to learn how to draw your subject is get some good pictures of different angles, or even better yet, instructional model sheets, such as the ones found here. Another handy utility is a circle stencil with different sizes, which helps draw the circles perfectly:
First use an HB pencil on tracing paper (or pegged animation paper, if you're lucky). This way you can erase any mistakes you make, and also see the previous frame behind it.
After you think you've got it right, get a sheet of white paper (typing/copy paper will do) and a pen (NOT ball-point!) and get to work tracing! Using a lightboard is preferable, unless you like drawing against a window.
Next, it's scan time! I scan my images in at a puny 100dpi, but that is more than enough.
Color them! Make sure you get your colors right. Nothing hurts an image more if you don't have the proper colors. If you don't know how to do shading, get someone to do it for you. (Photoshop is for wussies!)
Then, resample. Make sure you surround the sprite with it's darkest shade used in the image. (See picture).
I resample my pictures from 384x384 down to 70x70 to get the proper size. Next you have to remove all the excess around the image.
And of course, you animate it. ;)
Next time: The music.