Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J. Freda
Monday 4th October 1999
Commercial Break!
You know what? I'm bored of doing this, so let's cut to the commercials.... just kidding! What's with the commercials then? We've got four commercials lined up, and will be launched around various websites on the Sonic net community!
What will the commercials be about? Well, we'd be spoiling it if we gave it away - But they'll all have DIFFERENT video footage of SRB2, some multiplayer, some single player. The animation is done by resident movie meister, A.J. Freda!
If you liked Pokemon Soccer and the forthcoming Pocket Lapse (available from the main Segasonic page) and it's... rather strange sense of humour, then you'll love this, with more insane voice acting done by Sonikku and A.J. Freda... guest starring David Bulmer as himself. Will he die at the end of the commercial? Of course. Is A.J. good as a psychologist? No. Can I hold a fixed cheesy grin? Probably not, but you'll find out in the commercials!
More news on them as they come!
Next time: Is SRB2 going to be difficult?