Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
5th February 2000
Dev Diary - Part VIII.
A lot of people wonder what would happen to SRB2 if I woke up the next morning and got crushed to death by a slightly gigantic piece of cheese, certaintely, while this hasn't happened yet (and hopefully won't, for a while) it's come pretty close. BT almost got me by kicking me off the Net, thanks to Freeserve for the backup. The house move left a lot of people thinking I had spontaneously combusted / died in some form, and what AJ originally posted as a joke ("KU IS DEAD! HE'S NOT REPLIED TO MY E-MAIL FOR A DAY!") ended up as being serious news around various Sonic sites. I had to quickly hurry and clean up the mess.
But even so, tragic (or not) as me dying or 'net-dying' might be, it wouldn't have all that much effect on SRB2, as I've laid down the design rules, and I've completed practically all the level designing, and the site design is intact, then I guess it wouldn't really make all that much difference.
So folks, next time I'm in a so-called 'near-death' crisis, don't worry, the rest of the team are perfectly capable and responsible...
Most of the time... well...
I WORK WITH IDIOTS!!! (That too was a joke. ;-D)
Next time: The Freeze.