Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J. Freda
Sunday 5th September 1999
OpenGL Progress
Is that a curved edge? No! It's texture management bugs with the OpenGL version and the Riva128! ^_^
Welcome to the opening of this section! Not much has been said about SRB2 for a while, and a lot of people are probably wondering if it still exists. Well, it does, and the progress keeps going! When the Sonic X-Treme sprites were released over at Secrets of Sonic the Hedgehog, I made a Sonic Xtreme sprite for SRB2 to have fun with. Even though it fits great into the game (the graphics converted to the proper palette without almost any changes!), it will not be in the final version, because then the handdrawn Tails and Knuckles would look strange. Since SRB2 is VERY easy to make add-on packs for, I'm thinking of doing a Sonic X-treme add-on pack. On a lot of these screenshots you'll see the Sonic X-treme sprite... that's because I like to use him for testing.
Nice glass walls!
The OpenGL version is coming along VERY nicely..... a new feature called Field Of View (FOV) increases the field of view. We're thinking of taking this and having the FOV increase the faster the player moves.... see below.
Nifty pseudo-source lighting!
Next time: Netplay!