Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
Thursday 7th October 1999
Is SRB2 going to be difficult?
Hey! Here's a party hat. Happy birthday to me! I am now 15 years old and still um... doing stuff. Yeah. Sorry about that off-topic bit, but today I _should_ have been upstairs spending all my time on the new Dreamcast, but alas, it's been delayed until next week.
Maybe I should stick this question in the FAQ, but I'll just do it in here instead -
Q: Will SRB2 be hard?
A: Yes. And no. Depending on the skill level you select. Certainly, you won't have to be fighting the evil 'Killing-dead' bug anymore. The only thing you really need to worry about now is dodging that machine gun as well as stopping yourself from falling down into that pit o' doom.
You can also make it harder by trying to get the emeralds and get a good grade at the end of the game, but as far as making it from one end of the level to the other in one piece goes, see above paragraph.
But again - I stress - It... won't... have... the... Killing... Dead... Bug! You can safely bounce/punch/destroy most enemies with no problems at all (except enemies that might have spikes guarding them, etc.)
As far as finding secret levels will go - You've got a tough task, but for a hint on how to find the Speed Highway level, go back from the exit in the Deep Sea Zone... you'll find something eventually...
Next time: Secret stuff!