Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda.
11th March 2000 -
Sonic fan-gaming online... a reality?
SRB2:XMAS v0.93 is coming...
A few months ago, I posted an article on how SRB2 will support multiplayer. Today, we're one step closer to getting there, right now, you can have co-operative gaming in SRB2, with up to four players, via LAN, Serial, Modem or Internet play.
I have dabbled a little with online gaming from the early alpha versions (where Sonic still had guns) and even made daily deathmatch levels for me and AJ to battle over, and it was a blast. In both the sense of being on the recieving end of hot shotgun shells and incredible fun (especially when I incorporated my own super-super secret areas in these new levels that I used when the lag got bad. ;-D)
OK, so right now we don't have any competitive modes, but co-operative play exists. And you can play online. Goodie. I'm going to talk to A.J into setting up a server on SegaSonic.Net (certaintely, after he gets the T1, there should be one... (plug) KEEPCLICKINGONEADSKEEPCLICKINGONEADSKEEPCLICKINGONEADS (/plug) (plug) YOUWILLBUYVOODOO4GRAPHICSCARDSYOUWILLBUYVOODOO4GRAPHICSCARDS.(/plug)
How about lag? It'll be there, sadly, it's unavoidable with any sort of online gaming, but when I was playing against AJ, head to head, the client end (usually me, because I am better than A.J! Muhahaha! ;-D) got a ping of 300/400, which is pretty respectable, but for some of the more akward presicion jumps, I had a few problems.
Modem play, however, is more lag-free... so if anyone has some form of cheap international calling system, or lives in England... fancy a game? ;-)
Next time: You got the new high score!