Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
Thursday 14th October 1999
Unto Part II...
As with the new design, we've also decided to give WGD a new look too, OK, it's not much different, but it's now easier to look around the articles using the side-bar.
"Hang on! 'Unto Part II'? What happened to the proposed 'Secret Stuff'?" Well... you can wait another day, can't you? We're esentially using today's entry as a short introduction to the articles in WGD that'll follow for the next month or so. This means there won't be any screenshots or comical movies for you to download... sorry. If you don't want to read this - Wait until tommorow, where we WILL have screenshots. ^_^
As you've already guessed from the title, we've decided to split the WGD into parts, and this following part is going to be devoted to 'How we made Sonic Robo Blast II', including level-designing, animation, music, and so on. We'll probably, like last time try to update weekly or more.
Also in this part, we'll show you a little bit of how to do your own stuff, as mentioned in the 'Add-ons' section a few weeks ago, this will be a mini-tutorial until we can bothered to do a more full, proper tutorial, which will probably be after the game is released.
And what will the part after that be about? Probably some stuff about counting down to the launch date or something. But we'll have to see.
Next time: Secret stuff - (And this time we mean it! ^_^)