Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
15th January 2000
Dev Diary - Part V.
A problem we had to face at STJr was everyone's morale; including my own... SRB2 development hadn't always gone well - at times, things have gotten so bad, that we've actually considered canning the game entirely... as me and A.J were chatting, we eventually found that we had ended up with the programmer being... well... just A.J Freda. This is from a chat log I can remember having...
"But I thought fAb and Boris (of 'DooM Legacy' fame) were offering to help us?" I said.
"They just said post something on the DL forum." A.J said.
"What now then?"
"Why not can the game?"
"We've been working on it for over a year now, we can't can it NOW!"
"Why not? I canned Sonic Doom 2 for SRB2."
It continued from there... but we managed to keep things going, however, we did have some problems... people expected a lot from a 3D game, particually after the release of Sonic Adventure! Don't worry though! SRB2 will be out, and up to the high standards you expect us to give you!
Next time: Highlights and Die-lights.