Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
Friday 15th October 1999
OK, after last time, we've REALLY got the 'Secrets' section after last time.
I've just finished playing a little of Sonic Adventure - So today there's a special 'First
Thoughts' review, the first part of my personal review on
the European release of Sonic Adventure.
Playing this has given me a few ideas for the secret areas in SRB2, but as for the current
options, there's going to be the usual hidden caves and
phantom walls to watch out for - usually marked by a different texture (like moss on a
stone wall or something).
However a lot more of the secrets will come from the Grading. If you look on the Options
menu, you'll find a hidden '???' sub-menu in the options
after you beat the game, after going here, it'll be renamed to 'Special Options...' and
you can use a lot of secrets - depending on your grade,
you'll get more useful cheats and secrets. Firstly, you'll get something fairly useless,
like TEXT CHANGE which will just change the text to say
different things like, instead of 'Sonic picked up the Elemental Shield' it'll say
something like 'Sonikku ganbate ne kore sa!'.
Later on you get more useful options like FMV SELECT, LEVEL SELECT, HIDDEN CHARACTERS
(oops... I'll shut up now) and possibly even open some new routes through the levels
besides the standard 2 or 3.
Next time: Level designing!