Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda.
16th June 2000 -
Bringing a close to Part IV…
Seven months, folks.
That’s how long these White Glove Diaries
have been going so far.
This White Glove Diary ends another Part
of our epic saga to get this gosh-darn game completed. And with each one, the
game steps further and further unto completion, thus ending the ‘General Stuff about
SRB2’ part.
And thus beginning the ‘Plans for SRB2’
part, so for the next few weeks, I’m going to talk about what we have planned /
did have planned / which we’re considering for each section of the game, for
those of you who are wondering what the heck I’m talking about, you might want
to read this little introduction below:
Since I began making SRB1, I began to
slowly appreciate more and more how videogames work – nowadays I’m torn between
playing them for fun and getting fun from looking at how they might have been
designed – what makes them tick, so does AJ Freda, and probably most of STJr.
So what’s the point I’m actually trying to make? We learn from this and we’ll
be applying it to the game.
Some of you might find this interesting –
if not, well, feel free to read the Off-Topic White Glove Diaries in the
Next time: The levels.