Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
22nd January 2000
Dev Diary - Part VI.
I guess this is more of a general summary of STJr's career... but let's start with some humour!
When I was about 2 or 3 years old, I had a monumentally stupid idea. I looked at this (then-heavy) milk carton and decided to see what effect it would have if I poured it on my head. I cracked it open, and began pouring the white, quick-to-smell-like-rancid-Cheeseburgers liquid all over my head. It was at this point I found out that milk was NOT intended to help wash hair... or at least, if it was, someone had made a fairly fundamental flaw somewhere along the line.
And this has what to do with the highlights and not-so-great things in SRB2? Not much really, apart from the monumentally stupid ideas bit.
The idea of adding flickies in, a la Sonic 3D Blast... suffice to say, this lasted as far as the 'thinking up' bit, and was dismissed about 0.5 seconds later, some parts of the level design were just... odd, along several others things that I can't / don't want to remember
However, despite the occasional mistake, we mostly come up with good ideas - A.J thought up of the White Glove Diaries, which has remained pretty popular since, with mini-editorials and essays on SRB2's progress, sprinkled with humour and cheese. (Haha.) The message board has got well over 700 posts in a short 3 months. The site redesign has reduced the 'Let me redesign your site!' e-mails from one a month to none and STJr hasn't been down since the move to the SSRG.
But there's still time for a few more major problems.. and even more good ideas! ^_^
Next time: Return of the Stealth-i.