Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
22nd November 2000
What makes SRB2: Replay Value.
I've held this one off until we released the SRB2 Demo, as it seems more appropriate now. The demo we released featured the first level in the game and is the smallest act in the game, save most of the boss arenas.
This brings me neatly onto this WGD's topic. The replay factor or - why GFZ1 will take up an 1 hour of your life instead of 1 minute...
First of all, you'll most likely want to beat the game with all three characters. That's already three plays through the game. Along the way, you'll notice you'll be taking new routes through the levels as Tails or Knuckles so that'll keep you interested longer. After you've beaten the game, you'll be unlocking secret stuff with grading and looking a little harder throughout the levels for secrets and portals to Special Stages to help up your final grade.
So after several runs through the game, you'll have finally gotten a Grade A and can look at all the nice secret stuff. But there are still other game modes to go through. Time Attack, hidden game modes, Multiplayer and Surival...
Does the somewhat humble little GFZ1 still sound quite so humble and little? Sure, you'll probably be able to beat the game in a day or two or going through the night without sleep. On the other hand, you'll have only seen a tiny amount of what really lies throughout the game.
Next time: Demo Reactions.