Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
24th November 1999
WADever - A brief description of the WAD structure system.
No WGD entires for 2 or 3 weeks, then two come along at once - this sudden rush it to make up for the 2 or 3 weeks while I (Sonikku) have been busy moving house, so, except another update either tommorow or Friday!
So you've got a level and a few neat sprites built up now - but you want to put them together to show off your mod to everyone else - but how so? To run the game with your mod .WADs (Heh! That rhymes!) enter the following at your SRB2 folder:
srb2 -file neatlevl.wad chocobo.wad moogles.wad
Tada! Assuming that 'neatlevl.wad' is your level, and 'chocobo.wad' and 'moogles.wad' are the extra sprites / level textures you've made, you now have a neat mod!
But, wouldn't it be far more better (and easier on the fingers) to put them all together, so you had something like this instead?
srb2 -file myacemod.wad
You can combine the .wad files to form a nice little .mod file, easier still, would be to make a .bat file that ran this so others can just type 'myacemod.bat' and get playing in seconds! You can put almost all of your mod into one simple, little .wad file... with the exception of alternate .exes if you're making extra programming changes to suit your mod.
Next time: Beyond the basics - Programming.