Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J. Freda
Monday 27th September 1999
SRB2 for the Dreamcast!
That's right! Just when you thought things couldn't get any crazier... how about SRB2 for the Dreamcast? That's right! Download SRB2 using your Dreamcast and get playing or just ask us for a free GD-Rom! =)
"It would be on CD-ROM silly! What do you think I have, a GD-ROM stamping plant?" -Tails (A.J.)
"Um, joke?" - Sonikku
Well, we'll have to see - The prospect of this ACTUALLY happening isn't too clear... but we'll have to see how it goes... perhaps (with the DC Net option to download new files) SRB2 could be the first upgradable console game ever, limited only by the amount of blocks on your VMS memory card! ^_^
"Oh suuuuree... VMS..... all its going to be is a WinCE 2.0 port....=P" -Tails (A.J.)
"Argh! I was J/King!" - Sonikku
As well as getting new levels / skins / etc. You can also play over the Net and beat those PC users into bloody pulps - That right! We're taking the computer vs. console war to the next generation! Or something like that, anyway. Now for the VMS memory card system - If we can get this work (as well as all the other options about the net, etc.) then you could play mini-games on the run... depending on how well you'd done in the actual game itself, you'd get more mini-games opened up and... MADNESS.
"Okay, but you pay the programmer..." -Tails (A.J.)
"I'm sorry God... I will never joke again in the next life. *Sobs*" - Sonikku
It's still a fairly big 'if' about whether any of the above will happen, but if it does, it'll certaintely be a big first for loads of Sonic fan-games!
Next time: History of SRB2!