Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
28th December 1999
Dev Diary - Part II.
After months of work on the TGF version of SRB2, I'd run into a fairly major problem - TGF didn't like big levels (around 15000x2000 size) and ran at about the same pace as a hedgehog that been hit by a sizable limo would do... another problem arose - I had too many sprites, after a certain limit, they just refused to 'exist' entirely.
Combined, these problems meant either that I couldn't use 100 rings per level, have five scrolling screens or so per level and redoing the game using the same old TGF, which had a habit of crashing after you'd done lots of work... without saving.
So therefore, SRB2 shouldn't have existed, right? Wrong.
Luckily, Stealth had approached me with some ideas he'd had, and after seeing the god-awful 2D version, he quickly suggested a plan to do the game in C - after TGF crashed another two or three times, and my hair was rapidly vanishing by the second - I willingly accepted, and the TGF version became SRB:Xmas, without the bad bits. ;-)
There was probably only one drawback - the music had to be in .wav form, other than that, I was very impressed by the demos Stealth was sending me.
So... what happened to get us to the 3D stage?
Next time: Engine, Part III...