Sonic's White Glove Diaries -
Updated and maintained by Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank and A.J Freda
29th September 2000
What makes SRB2: The Engine.
Well, after months of nothing on the WGD front, we're back again!The reason for this delay is due to the new design. It'd be hard for Mike to update this section while I was constantly churning out WGDs, so I waited for him to get it done - more on the design in a future WGD!
But anyway, on with the WGD...
SRB2 has come a long, long way since Day 1, which featured Doom textures, no jumping, the Doom marine and no enemies. Now we have a working platform game engine. The excellent Doom Legacy engine has come a long way too - from the days of being Doom with some snazzy features to adding Windows support, OpenGL support, Netplay and - most recently - floor over floors.
A few days ago, I tried 'Sonic Robo Blast II: Halloween Test' for the first time in a few months. The number of changes I noticed from that stage to now made my jaw drop. Heck, the number of changes from XMAS to now made my jaw drop (those with the XMAS CD can vouch for most of those changes). I tried to imagine what'll happen when I compare these to the final game...
There's still a lot to do between now and the final version, but if the changes from one version to the next are anything to go by, you'll be in for one heck of a game!
Next time: Sprites.