SRB2 Level Editing Made Easy


(This is version 0.5 of the level editing guide. Version 0.1 was the one that didn't have a version number.)

After having little success trying to explain level editing to some people in on IRC, I decided to write this guide to help you, since I can explain better this way. It includes way too many screenshots, because I wanted to make sure no one would be confused about anything.

I assume that you already know how to use SRB2, what all the keys are (even the weird ones like strafe and taunt and rotate camera left/right — go to the controls configuration screen in Options if you don't know how to do those), and how to load and play custom levels. A prerequisite knowledge of Doom editing is not necessary.

This guide only teaches the basics. Advanced stuff can be learned by other means — by reading reference documents, or by reading smaller guides I might write on advanced subjects in the future. But do read the whole guide anyway, if you've been wanting to learn how to make levels. There's a lot you can do with just the basics. And though this guide might look long, most of that length is because I illustrate my points with so many screenshots and diagrams.

This guide is meant to be read from start to finish. You don't necessarily have to read it all at once, but I don't recommend jumping around between sections. Each section builds on the previous knowledge and often continues the specific examples.

Section 18, Some Useful Heights, is not really part of the guide. It will be useful as reference information.

Sections 19-22 cover specific subjects. It's still probably best to read them in order, though (and definitely after you've completed sections 1-17).

Have fun, and enjoy the SRB2 wad making!