Bah bah, need to shut down server tomorrow around 6:45PM CST, they need to fix the power at the data center.
The outage is over, back to work!
Welcome to!
Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D open-source Sonic the Hedgehog fangame built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D. While SRB2 isn't fully completed, it already features tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original Sonic games provided.
Download and experience Sonic Robo Blast 2 today! News UpdatesBah bah, need to shut down server tomorrow around 6:45PM CST, they need to fix the power at the data center.
The outage is over, back to work!
Hey guys!
The bug reports system has just been through a major overhaul, we are now using a version of vBulletin Project Tools for version 3.8, this allows us to better manage the bugs you report, and better management means quicker fixing!
Not only can you now report SRB2 bugs via the Project Tools system, you can also report bugs and give feature suggestions for the Master Server, Website and Message Board!
Please be aware that the suggestions thread for SRB2 is still in place and will stay in place for the foreseeable future.
Report your bugs in SRB2 here (reverted back to old system)
Suggest features for SRB2 here
Report your bugs and suggest features for the Master Server here
Report your bugs and suggest features for the Message Board and Website here
UPDATE: Due to a few issues with the system, we have moved back to using the Bug Reports forum for Bug Reports for SRB2. You may still use the Project Tools system to submit bugs and features for both the Master Server and the Message Board/Website.
If you tried to get on the site or message board (or MS or Minecraft) in the past 36 hours, you would have been greeted with errors* followed by no connection. Our hard drive failed and the /tmp filesystem went into Read-Only mode, so MySQL wasn’t working properly. We then rebuilt the server with a new HDD in it, so now we’re all good to go. No data has been lost, we’re just ironing out a couple of kinks. We apologise for the outage in Services, and hope to have everything running at 100% as soon as possible.
* And trust me, the 2317 emails I got from vBulletin telling me there had been MySQL errors was more than enough to show you guys were trying. The message board emails me every time there’s an error, you see.
What’s old is new:
“Mystic Realm is a level mod for SRB2 with over 30 stages, a bunch of secrets, and a lot of stuff to do. Being originally created in 2003 and last updated in 2006, Mystic Realm is one of the oldest SRB2 modifications. As such, many of the levels here will likely feel dated nowadays after SRB2 2.0 included far more interesting single player stages with far more depth. On the other hand, an insane amount of love and devotion was put into this, and while the stages lack in modern size and depth, they do still have it where it counts. If you’re looking for a bunch of moderately decent single player content or have a nostalgia for older versions of SRB2, Mystic Realm should last you quite a while.”
Two blog posts in one day? Surely stranger things have happened.
Two new videos have been recently added to our YouTube channel, marking the start of a series of videos devoted to strange, interesting or impressive things that can be done in SRB2. This is partly inspired by the “Super Skills” videos from New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Still not sure what this means? Take a look for yourselves:
The results of the recent survey can be found by visiting the following forum thread and downloading the attachment. It contains a ZIP file with two PDF files, one for the first survey that gave out on me, and the second one that captured the rest of the results. If you have a forum account, feel free to discuss the results.
Thanks again for your participation! I hope you find the results as interesting as we did.
Since the Master Server went up recently, we got thinking about some stuff we were curious about. Below is a link to a survey containing ten questions concerning SRB2’s online multiplayer modes. You do not have to answer every single question, but it would be nice if you did. After about two weeks, the results will be posted publicly. Everyone taking this survey is anonymous.
Click here to take survey.
Thank you for your time.
11/18 EDIT: The survey website I was using apparently has a restriction of the first 100 responses, which was quickly reached. Needless to say, this restriction was not made clear on the website. I have switched to a new survey service which will hopefully not give out on us. If you responded already, you do not need to do so again unless you really want to. The results of both surveys are going to be looked over.
For those of you who aren’t subscribed to our YouTube channel or are otherwise not in the know, I recently uploaded four new videos to our official channel. Since Spazzo is no longer around much anymore, he has given me control over STJr’s YouTube account and Email account (stjr AT srb2 DOT org) I’m not an enormous fan of Twitter, so I’m afraid our Twitter account is going to stay dead.
But enough of that! Spazzo promised a “Multiplayer Trailer Coming Soon” about eight months ago. So I uploaded videos of raw gameplay footage of our major multiplayer gametypes: Match, Tag, CTF and Race. For those of you who already play SRB2 online religiously, there is nothing all that new to see here other than a couple rounds of SRB2 in decent video quality. For those of you who have yet to play SRB2 at all, or play SRB2 online, this is a great first glimpse into the world of netgaming.
Maybe some 2.1 info might be forthcoming. Who knows?
That as soon as I make a blog post concerning that the Master Server isn’t working right, it gets fixed.
Hurry up and host some netgames!
It is because the Master Server still isn’t quite in shape… yet.
Unfortunately, the Master Server drops any listed server after a few minutes. This is being looked into and will hopefully be solved in the near future. In the meantime, the server log still lists the most recently created servers, and ones closer to the top can still be up, even though they do not appear on the main list. If you write down or remember the IP address, you may be able to join by IP to these servers.
A link to the Master Server list can be found in the left hand side of this page, under the header “Community.”
We apoligize for any inconvenience.