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Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D open-source Sonic the Hedgehog fangame built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doom. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games from the Sega Genesis, and attempts to recreate the design in 3D. While SRB2 isn't fully completed, it already features tons of levels, enemies, speed, and quite a lot of the fun that the original Sonic games provided.

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Version 2.1.2 Patch

Mystic - March 17, 2014

As usual with a big release, we’re overloaded with bugs and we’re still in the process of hammering them out. This patch works for either 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 and fixes the following:

  • You can now collect the hidden emblems in record attack; you still can’t get the record attack emblems in the normal game, though.
  • Fixed a major issue with joining mid-round in netgames. Hopefully this should help deal with a lot of the quirky behavior netgames are currently experiencing.
  • Fixed an issue where adding WAD files while running a server would always remove you from your own server.
  • Fixed an issue with one of the secret stages being impossible to complete.
  • Fixed a bunch of little level errors.
  • Fixed a bunch of other minor bugs.

Please keep reporting any bugs you continue to find on the Bug Reports forum. You’ve all already been a big help in this regard.

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Version 2.1.1 Patch

Mystic - March 15, 2014

Like every other release day, things never go off without a hitch. Head on over to the download page to download the patch. This patch fixes the following:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing people with non-English locales to have the following issues (among others):
    • Knuckles was unable to jump.
    • The camera was not properly following the player.
  • Nimbus Ruins should now properly work.
  • Touching a mine in Deep Sea Zone should no longer crash the game.

If you find any more bugs this patch doesn’t fix, please head to the Bug Reports forum to see if it’s already been reported, and if it hasn’t, report it. Hopefully we can all nail down these issues and get 2.1.X stable in the near future.

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Version 2.1 Release

SRB2 v2.1 has finally been released! Yes, really! Head on over to the download page to download it. This is a new installation entirely, so you probably will want to place it in a new folder entirely instead of overwriting your previous installation.  Do note that as with every major release, we are only giving out a torrent download for the first day.

Read on for an overview of the changes in the new version:


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2014, the Year of 2.1

Inuyasha - January 1, 2014

If you’re one of those people that doesn’t spend all day checking IRC for the absolute latest updates, here’s a bit of a catch-up post for the holidays. Unfortunately, I can’t show much without ruining some special surprises; but nevertheless, here’s what I can show you guys:


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Version 2.0.7 Release

Mystic - September 10, 2013

Well, finally, here we are at…wait, 2.0.7? Yep, nothing truly exciting, but a significant bug was found and needed to be corrected immediately, so we’re releasing a simple hotfix patch. This release contains no new content, but includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fixes a major issue with netplay that caused the game to be hypersensitive to denial of service attacks.
  • Fixes an issue with lasers in netplay causing consistency failures.
  • Fixes a rare crash when using F12 in Capture the Flag mode.
  • Low framerate should no longer cause screenshots to be taken improperly.

Head on over to the download page to get a copy of the patch.

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Yet Another 2.1 Update

Mystic - August 13, 2013

It’s been a few months since we updated, so I guess it’s about time we came back with another reminder that yes, we are indeed still working on 2.1, despite all reports to the contrary. As always, click on the images for a higher resolution shot, and everything here is subject to change by release time.


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Even More 2.1 Preview Screenshots

Mystic - April 2, 2013

Since last month’s update didn’t have enough space for post everything we wanted to show off, here’s a bunch more 2.1 screenshots. As with all previous updates, everything here is subject to change before release.


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We’re Not Dead Yet

Mystic - March 5, 2013

Rumors of the project’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Despite the lack of news, we have been making slow but steady progress on SRB2 over the last year. As with the previous updates, click on the screenshots for a higher resolution version.


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Four 2.1 Tidbits

Mystic - April 1, 2012

It’s been a while since we posted any information about 2.1’s progress on the front page, so here’s some random tidbits from the development team:


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Downtime correction

LoganA - February 24, 2012 will be down at February 25, 2012, at 6am CST and will be hopefully back up by 6pm the same day.

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